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How upload working on zk

Upload component: Any zk component, like a button or link, can be added to the user interface. When clicked, it will open a file dialog, allowing the user to select files. Refer to the guide for specific setup details.

Note: Even if we set up a button component to handle file uploads, it doesn't automatically transform into a file input field. It still functions as a standard button, file input is handle by Upload widget

Each upload component you define triggers the creation of a corresponding Upload widget. This widget is responsible for generating the file input field, which serves as control to show file dialog

See this._inp = inp; on Upload.prototype.initContent
Upload.prototype.initContent = function () {
var wgt = this._wgt,
parent = this._parent,
ref = wgt.$n(),
html = '<span class="z-upload"' + (this._tooltiptext ? ' title="' + zUtl.encodeXML(this._tooltiptext) + '"' : '') // ZK-751
+ '><form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">' + '<input name="file" type="file"'
// multiple="" for Firefox, multiple for Chrome
+ (this.multiple == 'true' ? ' multiple="" multiple' : '') + (this.accept ? ' accept="' + this.accept.replace(new RegExp('\\|', 'g'), ',') + '"' : '') + ' hidefocus="true" tabindex="-1" style="height:' + ref.offsetHeight + 'px"/></form></span>';
if (parent) jq(parent).append(DOMPurify.sanitize(html));else jq(wgt).after(DOMPurify.sanitize(html));
delete this._formDetached;
//B50-3304877: autodisable and Upload
if (!wgt._autodisable_self) {
var self = this;
//B65-ZK-2111: Sync later to prevent the external style change button offset height/width.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
var outer = this._outer = parent ? parent.lastChild : ref.nextSibling,
inp = outer.firstChild.firstChild;
this._inp = inp;
if (zk.opera) {
//in opera, relative not correct (test2/B50-ZK-363.zul) = 'absolute';
inp.z$proxy = ref;
inp._ctrl = this;


  • The onChange event of the file input is registered within the Upload.prototype.initContent method. See jq(inp).change(_onchange);

  • The file input (and entire form) is being regenerated in somewhere, so avoid caching it

  • ref points to the upload component (dom)

  • The reference to the file input is obtained using the following code (The condition parent != null might occur when using UploadManage it's EE feature)

    • var outer = this._outer = parent ? parent.lastChild : ref.nextSibling,
      inp = outer.firstChild.firstChild;

When use click to upload component (use Button as example) onclick handle call Upload to show file browse

see this._uplder.openFileDialog() on Button.prototype.doClick_
Button.prototype.doClick_ = function (evt) {
if (!evt.domEvent)
// mobile will trigger doClick twice
if (!this._disabled) {
if (!this._upload) zul.wgt.ADBS.autodisable(this);else this._uplder.openFileDialog();
if (!evt.stopped) {
var href = this._href,
isMailTo = href ? href.toLowerCase().startsWith('mailto:') : false;
if (href) {
// ZK-2506: use iframe to open a 'mailto' href
if (isMailTo) {
var ifrm = jq.newFrame('mailtoFrame', href, undefined);
} else {
zUtl.go(href, {
target: this._target || ( ? '_blank' : '')
}, evt, true);
//Unlike DOM, we don't proprogate to parent (otherwise, onClick
//will fired)

After user choose file onchange is called to handle it and do upload file

_onchange to handle file upload
function _onchange(_evt) {
var n = this,
upload = n._ctrl,
form = n.form,
// we don't use jq().remove() in this case, because we have to use its reference.
p = form.parentNode;
upload._formDetached = true;
var fileName = !n.files || n.files.length == 1 ? n.value : function (files) {
var fns = [];
for (var len = files.length; len--;) fns.unshift(files[len].name);
return fns.join(',');
_start(n._ctrl, form, fileName);
if (zk.opera) {
//opera only
var _syncQue = [],
_syncNow = function () {
for (var j = _syncQue.length; j--;) _syncQue[j].sync();
_addSyncQue = function (upld) {
if (!_syncQue.length) _syncId = setInterval(_syncNow, 1500);
_rmSyncQue = function (upld) {
if (_syncId && !_syncQue.length) {
_syncId = undefined;

How to implement drag and drop to upload file

  1. Need a normal upload component setup follow guide

  2. Setup a drop area, this one reference to upload component

  3. when handle drop event

    1. get reference to file input
    2. set FileList from DataTransfer and set to file input
    3. let file input fire a onChange event to do upload