Running iDempiere from Installers
Manual running
Once installed and configured the iDempiere server you can start it with:
su - idempiere # not necessary if you're already as user idempiere
cd /opt/idempiere-server
Installing as service
iDempiere can be registered as a service in linux, in order to do that you can copy the provided scripts to /etc/init.d
folder like this:
sudo su - # this must be executed as root
cp /opt/idempiere-server/utils/unix/ /etc/init.d/idempiere
systemctl daemon-reload
update-rc.d idempiere defaults
After iDempiere is registered as a service, it will be started automatically on server reboots, also it can be started / stopped / restarted / checked as usual with:
systemctl status idempiere # to check the status of the app
systemctl restart idempiere # to restart the iDempiere app
systemctl stop idempiere # to stop the iDempiere app
systemctl start idempiere # to start the iDempiere app when stopped
Note the above instructions are specific for Ubuntu or Debian, in folder /opt/idempiere-server/utils/unix
there are also scripts for RedHat and Suse, but installation on those system can be a bit different.
Error when running on mac os
If you try to run the script and encounter the following error:
Starting iDempiere Server
readlink: illegal option -- f
usage: readlink [-n] [file ...]
usage: dirname path
Error: Unable to access jarfile /plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.*.jar
You have to get coreutils package which contains the GNU command line tools. If you have package manager such as brew, you can get the coreutils via it.
After that, add the bin to the path of your terminal (bash or zsh or etc).
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"